Frank Harvey Endowed Professor of Marketing
Marketing PhD Program Coordinator
University of South Florida (Tampa)                        
Email: dbiswas@usf.edu


Ph.D.                  University of California, Irvine (Major: Marketing)                
MBA                   Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
BA (Honors)      Jadavpur University (Major: Economics. Minor: Mathematics)


Current Services

- Co-Editor-in-Chief:
               - Journal of Business Research

- Area Editor:
               - Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 


- Editorial Review Board Member:
              - Journal of Consumer Research 
              - Journal of Marketing 

Prominent Past Services

- Associate Editor:
               - Journal of Marketing Research

​               - Journal of Retailing

               - Journal of Public Policy & Marketing

- Guest Associate Editor, Journal of Consumer Research.

- Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Sensory Aspects of Retailing” at Journal of Retailing.

- Conference Co-Chair, Academy of Marketing Science Conference, 2016.

- Vice-President (Programming), for AMA-CBSIG (2016 - 2019).



Federally Funded Grants                                    

- Principal Investigator for grants totaling $22,049 funded by the USDA (US Department of Agriculture), for research on sensory factors influencing children’s food choices.

- Co-Investigator for grant totaling $181,851 funded by National Science Foundation and EPA (Grant # R826611), for research on beach pollution.
Other Grants

- Grants totaling $9,340 from Association of Consumer Research for projects on Transformative Consumer Research, related to foods and consumer wellbeing.

- $4,000 Grant from Stellar Partners (airport retail chain), for research on sensory aspects of retailing.

- $2,300 Grant from AMA-CBSIG, for research on sensory aspects of digital marketing.

Academic Awards For Research

- Association for Consumer Research – Sheth Foundation Dissertation Proposal Award (and $2,000 Grant).

- Runner-up, Academy of Marketing Science – Mary Kay Dissertation Award.

- Society for Marketing Advances Dissertation Proposal Award (and $500 Grant).

- Award for Best Paper in CB Track at the AMA Winter Conference, Tampa, February 2009.

- Award for Best Paper in CB Track at the AMA Summer Conference, Boston, August 2010.

- Award for Best Conference Paper at French-Austrian-German Workshop on CB, Vienna, 03/17.

- Award for Best Paper in “Food & Health” Track at the AMA Winter Conference, New Orleans, 02/18.

- Excellence in Scholarship Award from Marketing Management Association, Chicago, April 2018.

- Outstanding Educator Award, from AMA-Tampa (Award given by Marketing Executives), 2019.

- Award for Best Paper in “Consumer Wellbeing” Track at the AMA Winter Conference, Austin, 02/19.

- Finalist, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Best Paper Award, 2019.

- Award for Best Paper in “Consumer Behavior” Track at the AMA Winter Conference, St Pete, 02/24.

Academic Awards For Reviewing

- Outstanding Area Editor Award, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2018.

- Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 2021.

Other Honors

- Featured on the list of most productive scholars in terms of publications in the premier marketing journals for the 2014-2023 period:

- Faculty Fellow, AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium, 2023.

- Recipient of Outstanding Mentorship Award from American Marketing Association and its Retailing/Pricing SIG, 2021.

- Recipient of Academy of Marketing Science Outstanding Teacher Award, 2015.

- Invited keynote speaker for Retailing Conference sponsored by KU Leuven (Belgium), 2021.

- AMA–Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow, Minneapolis, June 2003.



I focus on managerially/practically relevant behavioral research in the domain of sensory marketing with emphasis on topics related to digital marketing, AI, retailing, food marketing, and health & wellbeing. 


My research has directly influenced business practices of several companies across multiple countries (USA, Sweden, France, Germany, Netherlands, India, Norway). Prominent examples include a global hotel chain, a global restaurant chain, an airport retail chain, a champagne brand, and several supermarkets and restaurants, among others.

Several of my published papers have high Altmetric scores (“which examine each article’s record of attention, measure of dissemination, and indicator of influence and impact”: Journal of Consumer Research website).

- My 2023 JM paper has the highest Altmetric score among all JM papers every published.

- My 2019 JMR paper has the second highest Altmetric score among all JMR papers ever published.

- My 2017 JMR paper has the highest Altmetric score among all JMR papers.


Biswas, Dipayan, Annika Abell, and Roger Chacko (2024), “Enhancing Digital Click-Through Rates With Curved Virtual Elements,” Journal of Consumer Research, forthcoming.

Biswas, Dipayan, Patrick Hartmann, Martin Eisend, Courtney Szocs, Bruna Jochims, Vanessa Apaolaza, Erik Hermann, Cristina Lopez, and Adilson Borges (2023), “Caffeine's Effects on Consumer Spending,” Journal of Marketing, 87 (2), 149-167.  (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/00222429221109247). 

  • This article has an Altmetric score of 1030, which is the highest Attention Score among all JM papers: https://sage.altmetric.com/details/129632440
  • Has received media coverage from over 100 media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal.

Abell, Annika and Dipayan Biswas (2023), "Digital Engagement on Social Media: How Food Image Content Influences Social Media and Influencer Marketing Outcomes," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 58 (1), 1-15.

Abell, Annika, Leah Smith, and Dipayan Biswas (2023), "What's in a "Happy" Meal? The Effects of Smiley Faces in Restaurant Logos on Price and Healthfulness Perceptions," Journal of Advertising, 1-16.

Biswas, Dipayan, Lauren Labrecque, and Donald R. Lehmann (2021), “Effects of Sequential Sensory Cues on Food Taste Perception: Cross-Modal Interplay Between Visual and Olfactory Stimuli,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 31 (4), 746-764.

Ruzeviciute, Ruta, Bernadette Kamleitner, and Dipayan Biswas (2020), “Designed to S(m)ell: When Scented Advertising Induces Proximity and Enhances Appeal,” Journal of Marketing Research, 57 (2), 315-331.

Biswas, Dipayan and Courtney Szocs (2019), “The Smell of Healthy Choices: Cross-Modal Sensory Compensation Effects of Ambient Scent on Food Purchases,” Journal of Marketing Research, 56 (1), 123-141.

  • This article has an Altmetric score of 588, which is the second highest Attention Score among all JMR papers: https://sage.altmetric.com/details/53575899

  • This article was also the most read/downloaded JMR paper in the January – July 2019 period (with 4900+ downloads, as per JMR website).

  • As of 2022, this is the third most cited JMR paper in the previous 3-year period.

  • Received media coverage at 50+ outlets, including Time, Newsweek, Women’s Health, etc.

Biswas, Dipayan, Courtney Szocs, and Annika Abell (2019), “Extending the Boundaries of Sensory Marketing and Examining the Sixth Sensory System: Effects of Vestibular Sensations for Sitting versus Standing Postures on Food Taste Perception,” Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (4), 708-724.

  • This article has an Altmetric score of 285, which is the among the top 15 Attention Scores among all JCR papers: https://oxfordjournals.altmetric.com/details/60534872

  • An earlier version of this research received the award for best paper in the “Consumer Wellbeing” track at the 2019 Winter AMA Conference.

  • Received media coverage by US News & World Report, Times of India, etc.

Biswas, Dipayan, Kaisa Lund, and Courtney Szocs (2019), “Sounds like a Healthy Retail Atmospheric Strategy: Effects of Ambient Music and Noise on Food Sales,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47 (1), 37-55.

  • This article has an Altmetric score of 401, which is the third highest Attention Score among all JAMS papers: https://www.altmetric.com/details/40754739

  • This paper was a Finalist for the JAMS Best Paper Award.

  • An earlier version of this research received the award for best paper in the “Food & Health” track at the 2018 Winter AMA Conference.​

  • Received coverage at 100+ media outlets, including by NY Times, Washington Post, Fox, etc.

Biswas, Dipayan (2019), “Sensory Aspects of Retailing: Theoretical and Practical Implications,” Journal of Retailing, 95 (4), 123-127. Invited Editorial.

Lefebvre, Sarah and Dipayan Biswas (2019), “Influence of Ambient Scent Temperature on Food Consumption Behavior” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 25 (4), 753-764.

Girard, Anna, Marcel Lichters, Marko Sarstedt, and Dipayan Biswas (2019), “Short- and Long-term Effects of Nonconsciously Processed Ambient Scents in a Servicescape: Findings from Two Field Experiments” Journal of Service Research, 22 (4), 440-455.

Lee, Na Young, Stephanie M. Noble, and Dipayan Biswas (2018), “Hey Big Spender! A Golden (Color) Atmospheric Effect on Tipping Behavior,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46 (2), 317-337.

  • This article has an Altmetric score of 61, which is among the top 10 Attention Scores among all JAMS papers: https://www.altmetric.com/details/13862525

Biswas, Dipayan, Courtney Szocs, Roger Chacko, and Brian Wansink (2017), “Shining Light on Atmospherics: How Ambient Light Influences Food Choices,” Journal of Marketing Research, 54 (1), 111-123.

  • This article has an Altmetric score of 615, which is the highest Attention Score among all JMR papers: https://sage.altmetric.com/details/7315996

  • Received media coverage at 80+ outlets, including Food Network, Men’s Health, etc.

Romero, Marisabel and Dipayan Biswas (2016), “Healthy Left, Unhealthy Right: Can Displaying Healthy Items to the Left (versus Right) of Unhealthy Items Nudge Healthier Choices?” Journal of Consumer Research, 43 (1), 103-112.

  • This article has an Altmetric score of 30, which is among the top 5% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric: https://oxfordjournals.altmetric.com/details/6192739

Szocs, Courtney, Dipayan Biswas, and Adilson Borges (2016), “Cheers to Haptic Sensations and Alcohol Consumption: How Glassware Weight Impacts Perceived Intoxication and Positive Emotions,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 1 (4), 569-578.

Szocs, Courtney and Dipayan Biswas (2016), “Forks Over Spoons: The Impact of Cutlery on Calorie Estimates,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 1 (1), 161-174.

Szocs, Courtney and Dipayan Biswas (2016), “Tasting in 2D: Implications of Food Shape, Visual Cues, and Oral Haptic Sensory Inputs,” Marketing Letters, 27 (4), 753-764.

Biswas, Dipayan, Lauren Labrecque, Donald R. Lehmann, and Ereni Markos (2014), “Making Choices While Smelling, Tasting, and Listening: The Role of Sensory (Dis)similarity When Sequentially Sampling Products,” Journal of Marketing, 78 (1), 112-126.

Biswas, Dipayan, Courtney Szocs, Aradhna Krishna, and Donald R. Lehmann (2014), “Something to Chew on: The Effects of Oral Haptics on Mastication, Orosensory Perception, and Calorie Estimation,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (August), 261-273.

  • This article has an Altmetric score of 92, which is a 98-Percentile Attention Score:  https://oxfordjournals.altmetric.com/details/2266816

  • Received coverage by 100+ media outlets, including by NY Times, CBS, CNN, Fox, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Redbook, etc.

Biswas, Dipayan and Cornelia Pechmann (2012), “What Do these Clinical Trial Results Mean? How Product Efficacy Judgments are affected by Data Partitioning, Framing, and Quantification,” Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, 117 (March), 341-350.

Biswas, Dipayan, Robin Keller, and Bidisha Burman (2012), “Making Probability Judgments of Future Product Failures: The Role of Mental Unpacking,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22 (2), 237-248.

Biswas, Dipayan, Guangzhi Zhao, and Donald R. Lehmann (2011), “The Impact of Sequential Data on Consumer Confidence in Relative Judgments,” Journal of Consumer Research, 37 (February), 874-887.

Biswas, Dipayan, Dhruv Grewal, and Anne Roggeveen (2010), “How the Order of Sampled Experiential Products Affects Choice,” Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (3), 508-519.

  • An earlier version of this research received the award for best paper in the “Consumer Behavior” track at the 2009 Winter AMA Conference.


I currently have manuscripts under advanced rounds of reviews at Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Journal of Consumer Psychology.  


- Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand) (Was scheduled for August 2020 – now postponed)

- Bayreuth University Food Conference (Germany) (Keynote Speaker)

- Bayreuth University Marketing department (Germany)

- DLG Food Testing Agency Conference on Sensory Marketing (Germany) (Keynote Speaker)

- EBS-Wiesbaden (Germany)

- Florida International University

- IBM Center for Social Software (Cambridge, MA)

- IDRAC (France)

- Indian School of Business (India)

- INSEEC (France)

- Kent State University

- KU-Leuven (Belgium) (Was scheduled for Spring 2020 – postponed to 2021)

- Linnaeus University (Sweden)

- LMU-Munich (Germany)

- Louisiana State University

- Maastricht University (Netherlands)

- Magdeburg University (Germany)

- Neoma Business School (France)

- New York University (Practitioner/Academic Multi-Channel Retailing Conference)

- Nokia (Finland)

- RWTH-Aachen (Germany)

- Tampere University (Finland)

- University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)

- University of Cologne (Germany)

- University of Hamburg (Germany)

- UIT (Norway)

- University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) 

- University of Lorraine (France)

- University of Manitoba (Canada)

- University of Massachusetts (Amherst)

- University of Muenster (Germany)

- University of Texas (Arlington)

- University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee) (Was scheduled for Spring 2020 – now postponed)

- Vienna University of Economics & Business (Austria)

- Vrije Universiteit (Netherlands) 

- Yale University (Customer Insights Conference)



My research and my interviews have been featured extensively in the media, by over 200 media outlets, including Wall Street Journal, ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC, New York Times, Today Show, Washington Post, US News & World Report, Time magazine, BBC, Fitness magazine, Health magazine, Women's Health​ magazine, Men's Health magazine, Allure magazine, Redbook magazine, Huffington Post, Prevention magazine, Times of India, WebMD, Daily Mail (UK), CNN-IBN Live (India), Good Housekeeping magazine, Scientific American magazine, Tampa Bay Times, Zee News (India), NPR, Shape magazine, Glamour magazine, Financial Times, Der Spiegel (German magazine), La Dernière Heure (French-language newspaper in Belgium), Goed Gevoel (Dutch-language magazine in Belgium), Saldo (Swiss magazine), and Bulgaria DNES (Bulgarian newspaper), among others. 

I have collaborated on research projects with several companies/organizations across multiple countries (USA, France, Sweden, Germany, India, Netherlands, Norway). 

Biswas, Dipayan (2016), “Sensory Aspects of Branding,” in the Routledge Companion to Contemporary Brand Management, Eds. Francesca Dall’Olmo Riley, Jaywant Singh, and Charles Blankson. New York: Routledge. 218-227.

Biswas, Dipayan and Courtney Szocs (2014), “Sensory Marketing,” in Wiley Encyclopedia of Management. 3rd Edition. Chichester, UK. Wiley.

Szocs, Courtney and Dipayan Biswas (2014), “Aesthetics,” in Wiley Encyclopedia of Management. 3rd Edition. Chichester, UK. Wiley.


I have experience teaching a wide variety of courses (at Ph.D., Executive, MBA/MS, and undergraduate levels) at various schools. I am the recipient of the 2015 Academy of Marketing Science Outstanding Teaching Award. I have taught seminars/courses at several universities across multiple countries (USA, Germany, Austria, Sweden, India, France, Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Peru).


  • Sensory Marketing

  • Brand Management

  • Digital Marketing

  • International Marketing 

  • Basic Marketing 

  • Marketing Management 

  • Marketing Research 

  • Marketing of Luxury & Fashion Products/Brands 


All of my recent and current research projects are in collaboration with my current and former PhD students and/or other junior scholars (i.e., PhD students and Assistant Professors)

I have been dissertation chair/co-chair of three PhD students with completed PhDs and I am dissertation chair of two students currently in the PhD program. My students have done well in terms of publications, receiving external grants, receiving dissertation proposal awards, and getting jobs at PhD-granting, research-oriented universities. They accomplished these achievements through their hard work, motivation, and dedication; my role was merely that of a catalyst.

  • Courtney Szocs (Dissertation Chair): Associate Professor at Pennsylvania State University. At time of graduation, she had publication in JCR, and received grants funded by ACR-TCR and USDA. Also, received dissertation proposal awards from AMS and SMA.

  • Annika Abell (Dissertation Chair): Assistant Professor at University of Tennessee, Knoxville. At the time of graduation, she had a paper accepted at JCR and had received two grants funded by ACR-TCR. Also, received the AMA Retailing & Pricing SIG Emerging Junior Scholar Award.

  • Ruta Ruzeviciute (Dissertation Co-Chair): Assistant Professor at University of Tennessee, Knoxville. At the time of graduation, she had R&R at JMR and received grants funded by the Austrian government. Also, received the AMS dissertation proposal award.

  • Yeseul Kim (Dissertation Chair): Assistant Professor at University of Sussex (UK). Received the ACR-Sheth Dissertation Award, Honorable Mention Award for the AMA - John Howard Dissertation Award, and Runner-Up for the AMS Dissertation Award. Received grants funded by ACR-TCR and AMA-CBSIG. Has an R&R at a UTD and an FT-50 journal.

  • Mikyoung Lim (Dissertation Chair): Expected to graduate in 2025. Received a grant funded by AMA-CBSIG. Received the 2024 ACR dissertation-related award. Has an acceptance at an FT-50 journal.

  • Christian Arroyo Mera (Dissertation Chair): Expected to graduate in 2026. Has an acceptance at an FT-50 journal.



Available on request.